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Click Here to read the FEBRUARY NEWSWATCH
Shenandoah Homeowners Association
Presents the February 2025 Yard of the Month.
16839 Monitor Avenue
Submit Nominations to:
Email to the Beautification Chairman
Or complete the online form at Nominate a Yard
The Filings Page now allows you to find
your Lot Number and what Filing your home is listed.
Membership in the Shenandoah Homeowners Assocation is only $30 per Calendar Year.
If you are getting ready to head out on a vacation, you may want to get your home registered with the Shenandoah Estates Security Director. Tom Hirschey, who can arrange for your home to be listed with our SECPiD patrol officers and checked while you are away on your vacation.
Tom Hirschey (225) 410-5140
The largest expense in the SECPID budget is supplemental patrols by "our" off-duty Sheriff's Deputies. These supplemental patrols are dedicated to Shenandoah Estates for the benefit of our residents and visitors.
Hot Line: 225-753-4260
Sheriff: 225-389-5000
The Shenandoah Newswatch newsletter is emailed to each of over 2000 plus residents in the sub division. The newsletter provides important information about what is happening in our neighborhoods.
eMail Blast
The Shenandoah Homeowners Association maintains a database of residents who wish to be on the mailing list for eBlasts.
Residents are notified by email when important information approved and sent to the residents email account. You can request removal at anytime.
Click the JOIN NOW Logo
We want to know what you think about the NEWSWATCH magazine, what you would like to see as content and recommendations as to how we can make it better meet the information needs of Shenandoah Estates!
The speed limit for the streets in Shenandoah Estates is regulated by the Parish and not the Homeowners Association or the Shenandoah Estates Crime Prevention and Improvement District. All residental streets in the Parish are posted with the 25 mile per hour speed limit.
10th SHA represents the Shenandoah Homeowners Association. The Association was created to provide services and aid in maintaining propery values in our community. A (volunteer) Board of Directors maintain the business of the SHA and meet every other month on the second Tuesday of the month. Remaining meetings for 2025: