You are not required to support the

Shenandoah Homeowners Association

but we feel you may want to help promote it.


In the June issue of the NEWSWATCH which is provided to ALL residents, the SHA provided a two-page article on the benefits of the Shenandoah Homeowners Association. A copy of this article is available on our website.



Your home and property are protected under the guidelines and work of the SHA, regardless of you being a member or not. The (voluntary) Board of Directors do not provide services and support for “Members Only,” they serve the entire Shenandoah Estates sub-division and every resident who lives here.


To successfully provide services and support to ALL residents, we need as much help as possible. Again, no one is required to join the homeowners association as a result of living in Shenandoah Estates. We are asking if you feel you want to become a member and help our continued effort to make Shenandoah Estates a great place to live and raise your family.


The annual SHA membership dues are only $30. A subdivision adjoining ours has a $300 a year homeowners fee, another adjacent neighborhood pays $50 a month, and “it is required.” If you want to be a part of our effort to maintain and preserve the home and property owners in Shenandoah Estates, you are welcome to join the efforts of the SHA.

You can use the Membership Application on the second page of this NEWSWATCH or the convenient, Online Process located on the homepage of our website.



Regardless of your decision, we appreciate your investment in our community and look forward to seeing you at our monthly SHA Board of Directors meetings. The meetings are held on the Second Tuesday of each month and start at 7:00 pm at the Antioch BREC park meeting room.


Henry Grace, President

Shenandoah Homeowners Association.